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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

​​Bangs, booms and burns

By Doug Johnson
Deputy State Fire Marshal

Fireworks SafetyThe Fourth of July is a good time to get together with family and friends. It's a time for parades, picnics at the park, hot dogs and brats. The day is marked with fun activities and the grand finale is a dramatic display of loud bangs and splashes of colors in the sky. It's also a time to remember that fireworks can be dangerous. If not properly handled, fireworks pose risks that can be harmful or deadly. 

Nearly 45 percent of fireworks injuries in Minnesota each year happen to children. Statistics show that toddlers to young adults run the greatest risk of being hurt or seriously injured by fireworks. Fireworks that explode or launch into the air are illegal in Minnesota.  Yet, every year kids and adults alike will spend the holiday in the emergency room because they were not aware of the hazards fireworks pose.​

Our goal this year is to reduce these injuries visits by increasing fireworks safety awareness. Please consider distributing these safety tips in advance of our nation's birthday:

  • Use only Minnesota-legal fireworks.
  • Aerial fireworks such as skyrockets, bottle rockets, helicopters and Roman candles that explode or shoot into the air are all illegal here.  Aerial fireworks pose dangers to the users and bystanders because projectiles travel path is unpredictable.
  • Always exercise caution around fireworks and supervise children.
  • Point fireworks away from people and animals.
  • Extinguish and dispose of spent fireworks in a bucket of water.
  • Do not try to relight a dud.
  • No fireworks are totally safe. Sparklers cause the greatest number of fireworks-related injuries, which can burn as hot as 1,400 degrees.
  • There is an average of 75 hospital visits each year in Minnesota due to fireworks injuries.

Local media typically publishes or announces scheduled fireworks displays in your municipality. Encourage residents to be safe by leaving fireworks to the professionals. Visit our website to learn more about fireworks safety.