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License and ID

Motorcycle endorsement

Any person who operates a motorcycle on public roads in Minnesota must have a valid driver’s license with a motorcycle instruction permit or endorsement.  

You must carry these documents with you when riding on public roadways. 

How do I get a motorcycle endorsement?  

You must first apply for a motorcycle instruction permit after passing the written test. Then, apply for your endorsement after passing the motorcycle road test.  

To study for the written and road test refer to the motorcycle manual.  The written test is offered at exam stations first come, first served. No appointment is needed. Your permit is good for one year and carries some restrictions.  

For training information, visit Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center.  

All road tests require an appointment. Schedule a road test online (select Driver Services, then select Motorcycle Skill Exam) or call DVS at 651-284-1234.

For the road test, you must bring: 

  • Your current driver’s license. 
  • Your motorcycle permit. 
  • A motorcycle properly equipped with current registration (stickers and plates). 
  • Proof of current insurance for the motorcycle. 
  • DOT-approved helmet and eye protection. 
  • A certificate of course completion from an approved motorcycle rider training program if you are under the age of 18. 

You will not be allowed to test if you do not bring all of these items.   

Note: If you test on a three-wheeled motorcycle, you will be restricted to operating three-wheeled motorcycles only. This will be a restriction on your license along with the motorcycle endorsement.  

When you pass the road test, you will be able to add the motorcycle endorsement to your current driver’s license by applying for a duplicate. If your current license is up for renewal, you may add the endorsement when you renew your license.

Riders under 18 must bring their parent, court appointed legal guardian, county appointed foster parent or director of the transitional living program in which you reside when you apply for your permit or endorsement.  Additional documents may be required if appointed by the court or county.

A failed road test will result in being assigned practice time to complete before your next road test.   

I have an out of state license with motorcycle endorsement. How do I transfer it? 

A new Minnesota resident (21 years of age or older) with a valid unexpired driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement from another state will need to apply to get a Minnesota driver’s license. No test is required. An endorsement fee will be added to the cost of your Minnesota driver’s license. 

What if I am under 21? 

If you are under 21, you will need to take the written tests for class D and motorcycle to transfer your license to Minnesota. You may take the tests at the same time at an exam station. The motorcycle and class D road test will be waived when you pass the written tests. An endorsement fee will be added to the cost of your Minnesota driver’s license.  

My out of state license with motorcycle endorsement is expired. What do I do now?

Written tests for both class D and motorcycle will be required if your out of state license is expired less than one year. 

Written and road tests for both class D and motorcycle will be required if your license is expired for more than one year. An endorsement fee will be added to the cost of your Minnesota driver’s license. 

Motorcycle registration

All motorcycles must be registered with the state and display a license plate showing that registration tax has been paid. The registration period is from March 1 through the last day of February and is required annually. New residents have 60 days after becoming a Minnesota resident to register their motorcycles.  

For more information, visit your local deputy registrar or call  651-297-2126. Use the Find Office Locations link to locate your nearest deputy registrar.