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Partner information

Toward Zero Deaths safe roads program

The Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) Safe Roads program provides certain federal entities with resources and funding to address and prevent traffic deaths and serious injuries in the area they serve. If you have any questions, please contact Nick White at 651-201-7088. By taking part in the program, your organization becomes a TZD Safe Roads Coalition. 

2025 safe roads​ program documents 

toward zero deaths banner at statewide conference

TZD safe roads coalition fatality review committee 

Each TZD Safe Roads Coalition must establish a Fatal Review Committee ​(FRC) Guide to review every fatal crash in their area. The purpose of the FRC is to identify trends that contributed to the crashes and the resulting fatalities. The FRC will identify how the fatal crashes could have been avoided and identify what actions may be taken to prevent similar types of crashes. 

Countermeasures that work guide 

The TZD Safe Roads program focuses on connecting crash data and statewide enforcement and education efforts with local collaborations and activities. It also makes greater use of research and evaluation studies that point to the activities and best practices for the greatest impact in reducing traffic deaths and serious crashes. You can find information on what to do in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Countermeasures That Work guide.  

Regional involvement 

The regional TZD initiative aims to create a comprehensive approach to reduce traffic deaths and severe injuries in Minnesota on the local level. Agencies involved in the effort include community law enforcement, engineers, educators, emergency medical services, local policy makers and other traffic safety advocates. 

Safe ride home guide 

We encourage our partners to use this step-by-step guide to start a safe ride service in their community. We used research and other successful programs to provide information and key questions for program in an easy-to-use format.​​ 

You can find more resources in the NHTSA Resource Guide