Rider coach preparation course
Course information
Contact the State Program Administrator at jay.bock@state.mn.us or 651-201-7069 if interested in applying.
The primary objective of the Rider Coach Prep is to train a select group of individuals to teach a Basic Rider Course (BRC).
- 9-day course, no charge.
- Teaching materials are supplied.
Rider coach candidates training topics
- Classroom teaching techniques.
- Conduct and overall training range management.
- Demonstration.
- Evaluation.
- Exercise set up.
- Explanation.
- Presenting classroom modules.
Candidates are responsible for their own travel, lodging and most meal expenses.
Rider coaches are classified as part-time, temporary employees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and earn $33 an hour. New rider coaches can expect to teach 120 hours per training season.
Eligibility requirements
- Candidates must be experienced motorcyclists.
- Riders must have a valid motorcycle endorsement.
- Applicants must have taken an Intermediate, Advanced or Expert training course within four years of application.
Contact the State Program Administrator at jay.bock@state.mn.us or 651-201-7069 for information.