Child daycare center
This is a summary of the major code requirements based on the 2020 Minnesota State Fire Code (MSFC) and the 2020 Minnesota Building Code (MBC) that apply to:
- child care centers
- special family childcare in non-residential buildings
- preschool and head-start programs
This information doesn't include all requirements. These occupancies are required to be designed by a design professional in accordance with state laws and rules. This information does not apply to licensed care in a home.
Prospective providers must contact the state Department of Human Services licensor and apply for licensing prior to requesting the fire inspection required.
Occupancy classifications
Care center code requirements are determined by the occupancy classification they fall in. Please read carefully to determine where your care center fits within the different classifications.
Classification of child care centers (non-residential)
- E Occupancy Child Care Center: Provide care for more than five children older than 2 ½ years of age for less than 24 hours a day.
- Provide care for more than five but not more than 100 children 2 ½ years or less of age when children 2 ½ years of age or younger are located on the level of exit discharge and each room providing care for children 2 ½ years of age or younger has an exit door directly to the exterior. (MSFC 202)
- Sprinkler System when area exceeds 12,000 square feet or is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge (MSFC 903.2.3).
- Fire Alarm system if occupant load is 50 or more (MSFC 907.2.3).
- Portable Fire Extinguisher required in accordance with MSFC Section 906.
- I-4 Occupancy Child Care Center: Provide care for more than five children of any age for less than 24 hours a day (MSFC 202).
- Sprinkler System required unless area meets exception where every care room is provided with an exit at the level of exit discharge (MSFC 903.2.6).
- Fire Alarm System is required (MSFC 907.2.6.4).
- Portable Fire Extinguisher required in accordance with MSFC Section 906.
Existing child care centers
Constructed prior to March 31, 2020
Existing child care centers are required to meet the minimum requirements specified in the 2020 MSFC for existing buildings. Compliance with previous editions of the MSFC may be considered as an acceptable alternative. Any change in capacity or use may trigger compliance with the requirements for new buildings.
Means of egress
- I-4 Occupancy child care centers – Access to at least two exits shall be provided for rooms or spaces where care is provided for more than 10 people of any age (room or space exceeds 350 square feet).
- E Occupancy child care centers Access to at least two exits shall be provided for rooms or spaces where care is provided for more than 10 children that are 2 ½ years of age or less and for rooms or spaces where care is provided for more than 49 persons over 2 ½ years of age.
- Means of egress in existing child care centers that comply with codes that were in effect at the time of construction or comply with MSFC Section 1104 may be considered as complying if, in the opinion of the code official, they do not constitute a distinct hazard (MSFC 1104). Any change in capacity or use may trigger compliance with the requirements for new buildings.
- Occupant load – The occupant load of a room or space is determined by dividing its area by 35 (MSFC Table 1004.5)
- Common path of egress travel – The means of egress shall be such that the maximum travel distance from any point within a building to a point where two separate and distinct paths of egress travel are available shall not exceed 75 feet (MSFC Table 1006.2.1)
- Exit access travel distance - Exits shall be located so that the maximum length of exit access travel, measured from any point within a building to an exit or the entrance of an exit component along the natural and unobstructed path of egress travel, shall not exceed the following distances listed in MSFC Table 1017.2.
- E Occupancy – 200 feet without sprinklers or 250 feet with sprinkler system
- I-4 Occupancy – 150 feet without sprinklers or 200 feet with sprinkler system
- Locks and latches - Exit doors shall be openable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort (MSFC 1010.1.9). Door handles, pulls, latches, locks and other operating devices on doors shall only require a single operation to release the door from the egress side (MSFC 1010.1.9.1).
- Panic and fire exit hardware – Exit doors serving group E occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or more require any locking or latching hardware to be panic hardware. (MSFC 1010.1.10).
- Means of egress illumination – The means of egress in all buildings shall be illuminated at all times the building is occupied and must be provided with a backup power supply (MSFC 1008 and MSFC 1104).
- Means of egress identification – Exit and exit access doors shall be marked by approved exit signs readily visible from any direction of egress travel in rooms or areas requiring more than one exit or exit access. Exit signs shall be placed such that no point in an exit access corridor is more than 100 feet from the nearest visible exit sign. Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated at all times and shall have an approved back-up power source (MSFC 1013 and MSFC 1104).
- Means of egress obstructions – Obstructions shall not be placed in the required width of the means of egress and the required capacity of the means of egress system shall not be diminished along the path of egress (MSFC 1031).
- Other means of egress requirements – For all other egress requirements such as but not limited to doors, exit width, dead end corridors, egress through intervening spaces refer to MBC Chapter 10.
- Fire resistive construction – Required fire resistive construction and occupancy separation shall be in accordance with the 2020 MBC and maintained in accordance with the 2020 MSFC.
- Interior finish – All interior finish products (including padded crash mats attached to walls) shall comply with the requirements of MSFC Chapter 8.
- Interior decorative materials – Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on corridors walls of un-sprinklered child care centers to not more than 20 percent of the wall area or in sprinklered child care centers to not more than 50 percent of the corridor walls. Artwork and teaching materials in child care center classrooms shall be limited to not more than 50 percent of the wall area of the room (MSFC 807.5.2).
Carbon monoxide detection
Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in all new Group E and Group I-4 occupancies per the information on this carbon monoxide page.
Determine fire sprinkler, fire alarm and exiting requirements
Use this design matrix spreadsheet to determine fire sprinkler system, fire alarm system and exiting requirements for child care centers
You can email us with your Minnesota State Fire Code questions. Code staff monitor this email address regularly and will respond to your question. During busier times, it may take up to a week before we are able to respond. If you don't hear back from us after one week, please let us know. Thanks for your patience.