Reporting your data
We are here to help!
Please send us an email if you have questions regarding incident reporting, the Minnesota Fire Incident Reporting System (MFIRS), the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and ImageTrend!
Why report?
The data you provide is essential if we are to understand and effectively combat the fire problem in Minnesota. It helps us focus on real fire problems rather than popular perceptions. On the local level, this data provides information to help focus on prevention efforts. It also assists with budget planning for staffing and equipment.
Who uses this data?
Fire data is requested on a daily and weekly basis by the media, the public, the fire service, and the fire protection community. It is used to support legislative initiatives and to guide public fire safety and prevention campaigns. The information is also compiled in our annual Fire in Minnesota report.
How many departments submit data?
On average, between 90-95 percent of the state's fire departments have submit data year over year.
Training site access
This site is provided for demonstration and training purposes only. Actual fire reports should not be entered. Sign into the Minnesota Fire Incident Reporting System. Username: Smokey Password: FireTestingSite998!
Burn injury notification
Minnesota law requires health professionals to report certain burn injuries to the State Fire Marshal. The information aids in fire safety education programs and helps arson and fire death investigators. A written report must be filed within 72 hours of being notified or treating the following burn injuries:
• Second or third degree burns to five percent or more of the body
• Burns to the upper respiratory tract
• Laryngeal edema from inhaling superheated air
• Burn injury or wound that may result in the victim’s death