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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

What's your story?

By John Ehret
State Services Supervisor

If you have ever been to the National Fire Academy (NFA), you would have likely met Dr. Burton Clark. He is an unassuming, incredibly smart individual who would take time to hear about who you are you and listen to your story. Many of those arriving would simply notice he is the man who would often provide the NFA entry and welcome message, and would likely be unaware of the many leadership positions he’s held and the important programs he’s headed at the NFA.

Dr. Clark has an interesting story of his own, dating back to his start with the District of Columbia Fire Department and his struggle to overcome learning challenges that might have discouraged others from pursuing their goals. When he recounts his story, he is quick to point out that had it not been for people who truly believed in him and recognized his capabilities, his life would likely have been very different. In fact, he may not have survived his probationary period with DCFD. 

My story involves some similar paths. Although I never came close to earning a PhD, I am eternally grateful to those who believed in me and helped me become a better firefighter, leader and chief officer. 

My story isn’t about me; it’s about those who believed in me, invested time in me – those who offered a simple, kind gesture and encouragement when I wasn’t on my game. I’m also grateful for the occasional butt-kicking I undoubtedly deserved. I remember their names, I can see their face and hear their voices -- and they guide me yet today. I respect Dr. Clark, and I appreciate his story and the inspiration it offers others. 

Take some time to reflect: What’s your story? Whom are you thankful for? Leaning forward in your career, who in the fire service can you influence in a positive way? Are there educational/training programs that need some adjustment to accommodate aspiring firefighters and leaders whose learning challenges could be overcome with the right kind of encouragement and support? Are there people in your life who might look to you as a mentor? Might your uplifting words help to change the mindset of someone feeling discouraged? 

If so, don’t wait! Reach out. Take the time to become part of someone else’s story. You could be the difference. Pay it forward. The experience will be mutually rewarding.

Here is a recent Firehouse magazine article Dr. Clark wrote detailing his experience. Please take a minute to read it. You’ll be glad you did.