OJP: Grant programs put resources in hands of local community experts
September 18, 2023
All across our state, Minnesotans are putting their passion to work and serving their community. Our Office of Justice Programs (OJP) currently has two funding opportunities available to support community-based violence prevention and intervention programs as well as youth early intervention programs.
The idea is to put resources in the hands of people who know their communities best. Minnesotans have set up a variety of programs aimed at preventing crime by targeting the root causes, and our grant programs help support their hard work.
The Community Crime Intervention and Prevention Grant Program is designed to support what community members feel is the best way to address issues of violence. What that looks like can vary widely based on the needs of the people who live in a particular community. Minnesotans identify what is causing problems in their area and work together to recommend policies and strategies to address it, whether that means providing conflict resolution training, getting people ready to enter the workforce or supporting a neighborhood watch. Programs supported by this grant work to lower recidivism rates, relieve poverty and keep people safe.
The Youth Intervention Program is similar but set up specifically to serve people under age 24. Communities have developed programs for youth and their families to serve those experiencing personal or familial problems. They have built programs for those who are having trouble in school, are in legal trouble or are battling addiction. Helping youth when these problems first pop up can go a long way to preventing crime. These programs give them more options to avoid pitfalls that land them in over their heads.
The grants — up to $150,000 for two years — provide ongoing and stable funding to those programs, which helps organizers keep their efforts going. The Minnesota Legislature funded these programs in the 2023 session at unprecedented levels. The Youth Intervention Program has about $13 million available, and the Community Crime program has about $31 million available.
The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. Sept. 25. Learn more about the programs and grant requirements on the OJP website. OJP is also looking for community members to help review applications. More information, including compensation and how to apply, can be found on the OJP website as well.