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Office of Justice Programs

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

Grant Management and Resources


Grants Manual Button


SWIFT Requirement

All OJP grantees must be registered in the StateWide Integrated Financial Tools (SWIFT) system in order to receive grant payments and view payment history. This can be done after receiving a grant award, but a grantee’s vendor profile must be approved in SWIFT before a grant agreement can be created. 

Click to view the SWIFT Directions and Registration Information. 


SAM.gov Registration Requirement

All applicants for grants supported with federal funds must have an active Entity Registration in SAM.gov (System for Awards Management). The Unique Entity ID (UEI) is assigned automatically to entities when they register on SAM.gov.​

SAM.gov Resources: 

Entity Registration Checklist:​ The questionnaires and checklists in this document will you help you gather the information you need and prepare to answer the questions for your SAM.gov Ent​ity Registration. 

​​Financial Resources

For All Grantees: 

Crime Victims Services Grantees: 

​​Financial Budgeting and Allowable Costs​

Indirect Costs

Program Income

Federal Certifications

Non-Compliance Policy