Meeting Materials

The below list holds meeting agendas, meeting materials, and minutes for meetings of the Statewide Emergency Communications Board and Committees of the Board.

Agendas and meeting materials will be added five business days before the scheduled meeting.

Meeting minutes awaiting approval will be included in the meeting materials for the Board or Committee’s next meeting. Approved minutes will be added to the list only after they are approved.

The SECB calendar will list Board and Committee meeting dates.

The below list is grouped by Board and Committee.  Clicking on the plus sign or the words "Board or Committee" will reveal the most recent five items.  Clicking the right arrow below the list will reveal the next five items.

At any time, this list may be sorted and filtered by clicking on column headings. Hovering above each column heading will reveal a down arrow on the right. Clicking that arrow will reveal sort and filter options.

This list includes all agendas, materials and minutes from 2017 and beyond. Previous years will be added as time allows. If you desire a document that is not yet added to the list, please email ECN.

expand Board or Committee : COMU Subcommittee (Interoperability Committee) ‎(16)
expand Board or Committee : Finance Committee ‎(209)
expand Board or Committee : Interoperability Committee ‎(142)
expand Board or Committee : IPAWS Committee ‎(156)
expand Board or Committee : Land Mobile Radio Committee ‎(306)
expand Board or Committee : Legislative Committee ‎(200)
expand Board or Committee : NG911 Committee ‎(273)
expand Board or Committee : Statewide Emergency Communications Board ‎(242)
expand Board or Committee : Steering Committee ‎(195)
expand Board or Committee : STR Subcommittee (Interoperability Committee) ‎(14)
expand Board or Committee : Wireless Broadband and Applications Committee ‎(208)