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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

March 2021

What the Minnesota Legislature is doing and how it can affect the fire service

The lawmaking process may not seem exciting, but this year there are several bills before the Minnesota Legislature that can affect you and your department. Learn about them in Amanda Swenson's article.

Estimating the Cost of Fire Depa​rtment Operations in Minnesota

Do you know how much it costs your fire department to respond to a single incident? The number traditionally used is $300, but Jon Nisja isn't sure it's still accurate. Find out why in his article.

MBFTE's Fire Service Leadership Development Course Presses on during COVID-19

Despite the pandemic, this year's MBFTE Fire Service Leadership Development course is proving to be a success. Steve Flaherty tells about it – and about plans for the future – in his article.

Together, we can all take care of our elders

Did you know that people 65 years and older die in fires more than any other age group? Kathi Osmonson makes lots of suggestions for helping your older loved ones and educating your community in this article.

March training update

Now that COVID-19 restrictions are dialing back, we're able to deliver some trainings in person, while others will remain online for the foreseeable future. Find out which is which in Jake Lindqu​ist's article.​​​