Compliments and complaints
Ask Internal Affairs and Affirmative Action to pass along a compliment or investigate your complaint.
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) wants to give you the best service possible. We expect DPS employees to be helpful, courteous, professional, and ethical. We welcome your input on how our employees are doing.
Provide employee feedback
Get help from Driver and Vehicle Services.
Do you have a problem concerning your driver’s license, registration tabs, license plates or title?
- For driver’s license issues, including revocations, suspensions, ignition interlock, commercial driver’s licenses, etc., fill out a Driver services contact form. You may also email Driver Services at dvs.driverslicense@state.mn.us or call 651-297-3298.
- For vehicle registration tabs, license plates, titles, vehicle liens, etc., fill out a Vehicle services contact form. You may also email Vehicle Services at dvs.motor.vehicles@state.mn.us or call 651-297-2126.