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Emergency Communication Networks

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

What's New?

Minnesota's first first responders make a difference

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It's just after 3:30 a.m. and the shrill sound of the dispatch center's 911 line ringing jolts me into action. My colleagues perk up. Calls at this hour can turn in a flash into an all-hands-on-deck situation.

“911, what's the address of your emergency?"

Learn more about life as a public safety telecommunicator and how to become one in our latest DPS blog as we celebrate National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week:

ECN: FirstNet keeps first responders talking across Minnesota

A FirstNet portable communications box

An Emergency Communication Networks (ECN) project 11 years in the making will ensure Minnesota's first responders have the option to use a communication network just for them, without needing to compete for access in an emergency. Earlier this year, FirstNet completed building two dozen network towers across the state specifically for public safety.

“Public safety deserves its own network," ECN's wireless broadband program manager Melinda Miller said. “We have different needs than a regular member of the public. FirstNet gives us that."

While the terms of the initial state plan have been met, FirstNet​ will continue developing the network. Technology is always evolving, and the network will evolve with it.

Learn more in this DPS blog.

Help us help you!

Dispatch centers across the state are experiencing a significant uptick in pocket dials and hang-ups -- with some 911 call centers seeing these calls go up 300 percent. These misdials often require dispatchers and law enforcement officers to follow-up with the caller to see if there is an emergency, which prevents them from answering other calls.
While we look into what may be causing this spike in accidental calls, there is something you can do to help us now.
If you have a device that can make emergency calls, like a cell phone or smartwatch, be aware of its settings. Simply knowing how to activate your "Emergency SOS" feature can reduce instances of accidentally triggering it -- especially during high-movement activities.
Sometimes it's just an instance of lint or grease jamming the trigger, so cleaning and maintaining your device may be the solution.
Also, if you do call 911 by mistake, don't hang up! Let the dispatcher know the call was a mistake so they can end the call with you and move on to the next caller.

Connecting patients with first responders quickly can make the difference between life or death


​Thanks to RapidDeploy Radius technology, public safety telecommunicators can now send a text message that can tell medics and police officers where to find the patient with pinpoint accuracy. The texting technology also allows telecommunicators at public safety answering points (PSAPS) to quickly overcome language barriers and connect with those in need. We offers this solution to all Minnesota PSAPs for free. Learn more in our latest DPS blog

Featured Video

Video Description: Call if you can, text if you can't. Learn about Text-to-911.