Sexual assault kit information
As of January 1, 2021, all Unrestricted Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits are required to be submitted to a forensic laboratory. The BCA Forensic Science Services (FSS) qualifies as one of these forensic laboratories. Additionally, all Restricted Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits are required to be submitted to the BCA FSS.
For questions, please contact:
Timelines for sexual assault examination kits (SAK)
Testing and storage frequently asked questions
Minnesota Track-Kit
The BCA works with health care and law enforcement agencies to maintain a sexual assault evidence collection kit tracking system accessible to survivors.
Track-Kit is a comprehensive, statewide, web-based sexual assault evidence collection kit tracking system. It provides survivors with the ability to track the location and status of their kit, from the point of collection, to its final storage location. Track-Kit is mobile-friendly, anonymous, confidential, and free of charge to users.