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License and ID

Getting your photo taken for your driver's license or ID card

Whether you are applying for a driver’s license, identification card, or instruction permit, you will need to prepare to take a photo for your card, according to Minnesota Rule 7410.1810

Your license, ID, or permit must have a clear, full-face image.  

Your card may be delayed, and you may be asked to come back in and take a new photo, if the photo does not meet our standard.  

Please remember the following for your visit: 

Head coverings 

Religious head wear

You may wear a head covering for religious purposes if it does not cover your face.  

Example of a card photo of a person wearing a hijab with full face showing.
Example of a card photo of a person wearing Hindu head wear with full face showing.
Sample of a card photo with a person wearing Muslim head wear with full face showing.

Non-religious head wear  

Please remove any non-religious head wear such as a beanie, bonnet, cap, earmuffs, durag, hat or hood before taking your photo. Non-religious head wear is not permitted. Your card will be delayed if you wear non-religious head wear and you will be required to return and take a new photo.

If you have hair loss from an accident involving a head injury, serious illness, or treatment of the illness, you will need to obtain a note from your doctor stating that there is a medical necessity to wear non-religious head wear. When you present a doctor's note, you may wear a hat or head covering that is of an appropriate size and type to allow proper identification and must not obscure any part of your face or cast a shadow on any part of your face when the photo is taken.  You will need to provide a new doctor's note every time you renew. 

None of these photos are acceptable:

Sample of a card photo with a person with a cap over their eyes
Sample of a card photo with a person with a stocking cap over their eyes
Sample of a card photo with a person with a hat over their eyes


Please remove your eyeglasses before taking your photo. You are not permitted to wear eyeglasses or sunglasses while taking your photo. If you have a medical necessity to wear glasses or eye coverings due to an injury or serious illness, you may apply for a variance. Your card will be delayed if you wear glasses and you will be required to return and take a new photo.  

If you need to wear sunglasses due to light sensitivity, you will still have to remove the sunglasses and this issue is not eligible for a variance. You may request your photo be taken without a flash in order to accommodate your light sensitivity. Call our public information center at 651-284-1234 for help finding an exam station that is able to assist you. None of these photos are acceptable:

If you have a corrective lens restriction on your license you will still be asked to remove your glasses for your photo.

None of these photos are acceptable:

 Sample of a card photo with a person wearing eyeglasses that have glare on them

Wearing glasses is not allowed.

Sample of a card photo with a person wearing eyeglasses where the frame covers the eyes

Wearing glasses is not allowed.

Sample of a card photo with a person wearing sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses is not allowed.

Head position 

You must face forward in your photo, with your shoulders squared. Your head cannot be tipped back or forward. Look directly at the camera.  None of these photos are acceptable:

Sample of a card photo with a person looking sideways

Head turned sideways.

Sample of a card photo with a person looking up

Looking up.

Sample of a card photo with a person looking down

Looking down.

Other issues with photo 

Your card may be delayed due to these issues as well:  

Sample of a card photo with a person with mouth open

Mouth open.

Sample of a card photo with a person with eyes closed

Eyes closed.

Sample of a card photo with a person with hair covering their face and wearing eyeglasses

Hair in front of face and wearing glassses.

Please do not wear a costume.  

Sample of a card photo with a person wearing a clown costume

Photo accommodations 

You or a person you are helping may need additional support to get a good photo. Your card may be delayed, but you should not receive a letter to come back in for a new photo.  Visit our DPS accommodations page for more information. 

  • Try to visit an office during the earliest part of the day. The office may be less busy.  
  • Plan ahead if you are bringing someone who has a hard time looking at the camera; you may need to bring along a favorite item to help them focus.  
  • Bring another person for support. Mobility aids and devices are allowed in photos, but you may need help or need to help someone to get into frame for the photo.  
  • Know that we can accept photos where the person is unable to open their eyes and/or has difficulty with closing their mouth for the photo.  
  • Be prepared to take multiple photos. In the case of people who need accommodation, we are just looking for the best photo we can get, not perfection.