Dangerous dog identification materials

Dogs that are considered dangerous are required to be registered with local municipalities. This helps keep neighbors, children, first responders and others safe.
City and county officials can order dangerous dog identification from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) for their residents. The available property sign and dog tag display the dangerous dog warning symbol. This symbol was developed by DPS and the Minnesota Animal Control Association. It helps people and animal control authorities know that an animal is dangerous.
Ordering information for local government
Local government officials can order materials for their residents using the following forms:
Dangerous dog order form: Tags Dangerous dog order form: SignsContact information
- For questions about signs and tags, or payment: DPS Fiscal and Administrative Services Accounts Payable at 651-201-7023.
- For questions about shipping of your dangerous dog identification materials, contact the DPS Warehouse at 651-296-6275.
Dangerous dog information
Related Minnesota statutes
- Dangerous dog definitions: Minn. Stat. 347.50
- Dangerous dog registration information: Minn. Stat. 347.51