Continuing Education Credits for License Renewal

​Peace officers and part-time peace officers must successfully complete 48 hours of law enforcement related continuing education every three years during their license renewal period.

Within those 48 hours, active officers must also have a minimum total of 16 MN POST approved credits in the following categories in order to renew ​​​their license:

• Crisis Intervention and Mental Illne​​ss Crises (6 credits, minimum)

• Autism (4 credits, minimum)

• Conflict Management and Mediation (1 credit, minimum)

• Recognizing and Valuing Community Diversity and Cultural Differences to Include Implicit

Bias (1 credit, minimum)

• The remaining 4 credits are elective and can be taken in any of these four categories.​

 If an officer does not meet these requirements at the time they, or the agency, try to renew their license, the system will not accept a renewal payment.  If an officer has concerns about the accuracy of their POST training record, it is the officer's responsibility to contact the course sponsor and have the sponsor submit an “Affidavit of Attendance" for the course that is missing.​​

Once an officer has sufficient continuing education credits documented, their mandated learning requirements have been met and the renewal fee is paid, the officer will receive their new license by email from the POST Board system.The license will be valid for three years.
