Continuing Education Forms


If you are not a Continuing Education Sponsor, click (HERE) before submitting a “Continuing Education Course Approval Application.”


Continuing Education Course Approval Application  (doc), (pdf)
  • Once you have become a Continuing Education Sponsor use this form to apply for continuing education course approval.  
Course Schedule Update for POST Website (doc), (pdf)
  • This form is to provide sponsors the opportunity to advertise approved courses on the POST Board website.
Affidavit of Attendance Form
  • This form should be used by  training providers to maintain information regarding attendees for courses that have been approved for continuing education credit.  A copy of this form must be submitted to POST within 2 weeks after the course is completed. 
  • Go to "Forms" on this website for an "Affidavit of Attendance" form for multiple dates.
Instructor Credit Form (doc), (pdf)
  • This form may be used by  an officer to record hours spent instructing in a POST Board approved continuing education course. 
  • Only submit the maximum of 12 hours of instructor training per a renewal period.
Example of a Continuing Education Certificate (doc)
  • This certificate may be used by a continuing education sponsor to show successful completion of the course.  This certificate is given to the attendee for their records.