About the Fire Service Advisory Committee
What we do
The Fire Service Advisory Committee (FSAC) makes recommendations to the commissioner of public safety on fire service issues. The committee consists of representatives from each of the following organizations:
- two appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association
- two appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Department Association
- two appointed by the president of the Minnesota Professional Fire Fighters
- two appointed by the president of the League of Minnesota Cities
- one appointed by the president of the Minnesota Association of Townships
- one appointed by the president of the Insurance Federation of Minnesota
- one appointed jointly by the presidents of the Minnesota Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators and the Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota
- Commissioner of Public Safety or the commissioner's designee
The commissioner of Public Safety must make sure that at least three of the members of the advisory committee work and live in counties outside of the seven-county metropolitan area. The committee provides funding recommendations to the commissioner of Public Safety from the fire safety fund for the following purposes:
- Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education
- Programs and staffing for the State Fire Marshal division
- Fire-related regional response team programs and any other fire service programs that have the potential for statewide impact
How we operate
Meeting minutes
Email us if you would like minutes from previous years' meetings.