Presenter information
- When giving a presentation make sure the information states how it fits into the Fire Service Advisory Committee mission under the three legislative purposes:
- Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education
- For programs and staffing for the State Fire Marshal Division
- Fire-related regional response team programs and any other fire service programs that have the potential for statewide impact
- The dollar amount of the funding request needs to be clear and identified at the start of the presentation.
- The funding request needs to be clear if it is for a base funding increase or one-time appropriation. This should include current and anticipated future requests for both onetime and base funding.
- The funding request should address how it fits into the established “Presentation Policy”.
- Make sure the presentation length is within the time limit set by the Fire Service Advisory Committee.
- Bring enough handouts for each of the members of the Fire Service Advisory Committee members, administrative coordinator and four copies for any guests present at the meeting.
- Make sure you get the written request, supporting materials described in the “Presentation Policy” and the presentation information in pdf format into the Fire Service Advisory Committee within the time line set within the “Presentation Policy and Guidelines,” which is 20 days prior to the designated meeting for presentations.