School safety planning
At the heart of every school is the commitment to provide a safe and supportive environment for students and staff alike. Achieving this goal can be challenging, but effective emergency planning is essential. Collaboration among school administrators, law enforcement, public safety partners, and emergency managers is crucial to ensure a comprehensive approach to safety.
Why Is planning important?
School emergency planning equips staff with the knowledge and skills to support students during crises. By understanding their roles and the appropriate responses, everyone can remain calm and act efficiently in emergencies. It's vital that these plans address a wide range of potential hazards and risks that schools may face.
Comprehensive school safety guide
The Minnesota Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management offers valuable guidance for school emergency planning. While the MnSSC Comprehensive School Safety Guide is being updated, we encourage you to explore resources from our partners at Their Foundation Elements of School Safety can serve as a helpful framework for your planning efforts.
Prevention in schools
Schools have created curricula and programs aimed at preventing students from engaging in harmful behaviors, including anti-bullying programs, social problem-solving and school discipline efforts. Establishing policies and procedures for dealing with potential threats is an important part of school emergency planning. Following a threat assessment process helps schools identify students or staff who may pose a threat to themselves or others.
Together, we can create a safe learning environment for everyone.