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Office of Justice Programs

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

Mass Violence Incident Resources

A mass violence incident involves a criminal act that leaves behind numerous victims and survivors who need assistance and support. Along with first responders, law enforcement, and emergency management, local victim service professionals may be called to assist victims, both in the short and long term. Consequently, it is important for victim service professionals to plan and prepare for a mass violence incident. 

Following a mass violence incident

The Resources for Crime Victims webpage contains information helpful to victims after a mass violence incident. Any available incident-specific information will be posted on this webpage along with immediate resources for victims and their family members. Please check this webpage in the event of a mass violence incident and share a link with victims.


Mass violence incidents happen with unsettling regularity in the United States and have happened in Minnesota. Victim service professionals are encouraged to plan within their own agencies, connect with local emergency management professionals, and provide input into local mass violence incident response plans to improve the ability to meet the immediate and long-term needs of victims in these situations.

Considerable effort has been put into developing strategies for preparing and responding to mass violence incidents. Communities that have experienced a mass violence incident have contributed their insights into these efforts. Victim service and criminal justice professionals are encouraged to review and learn from these comprehensive and strategic resources. Here are two helpful websites to consult: Office of Victims of Crime Mass Violence Toolkit and National Mass Violence Victim Resource Center.

Please visit the OJP Resources for Professionals webpage for more information and resources.