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Driver and Vehicle Services

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

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DVS Data Privacy Training Materials


DVS Reinstatement and Appeals Process

DVS Reinstatement Request

An individual whose access to the Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) information system was previously permanently revoked under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.12, may seek reinstatement using the following form. An individual who is convicted of a crime related to the conduct that resulted in permanent revocation of their access is ineligible to reapply for access.

DVS Information System Access Reinstatement Request form

Step 1. Submi​​ssion of written reinstatement request

  • An individual who is the subject of permanent revocation as a result of misuse that occurred between Oct. 1, 2018, and Sept. 30, 2023, can submit a reinstatement request in writing to DVS before June 30, 2024. A written reinstatement request must include the requirements in 2023 Minnesota Session Law, Chapter 68, Article 6, Section 14, or the request will be returned to the individual and not reviewed. The requirements are listed on the DVS information system access reinstatement request form listed above.

Step 3. Evaluation​​

Step 3. Evaluation

  • DVS will evaluate each request along with the audit file.

Step 4. Notification

  • ​DVS will respond in writing to the reinstatement request within 90 days of receipt of the request. The permanent revocation remains in effect until DVS completes and notifies the individual of the outcome of their reinstatement request.

DVS Disciplinary Action Appeal Request

An individual who is the subject of disciplinary action under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.12, subd. 1a(b) on or after Oct. 1, 2023, may appeal the disciplinary action determination using the following process. An individual who is convicted of a crime related to the conduct that resulted in disciplinary action is ineligible to reapply for access.

DVS Disciplinary​ Action Appeal Request form

Step 1. Submission o​f written appeal request

  • An individual who is the subject of disciplinary action can submit an appeal request in writing to DVS no later than 30 calendar days following the written notification of the disciplinary action. A written appeal request must include the requirements listed in the DVS disciplinary action appeal request form listed above. If the requirements are not submitted, the request will be returned to the individual and not reviewed.

Step 2. Revie​​w

  • DVS will review each of the submissions to ensure they meet the requirements laid out in the DVS disciplinary action appeal request form. If the request is not complete, DVS will return the request back to the individual.

Step 3. Evaluation

  • DVS will evaluate each request along with the audit file.

Step 4. Notification

  • DVS will respond in writing to the appeal request. Any system suspension imposed prior to DVS receiving the appeal request will be paused during the DVS appeal review. The disciplinary action will be effective on the date DVS completes the appeal review and issues its final determination. Any potential misuse that occurs during the appeal review time frame is subject to additional disciplinary action. In particularly egregious circumstances, DVS may determine that an individual cannot access the DVS information system during the appeal review period.​