
Blog Archive: July 2023

Duluth Lakewalk with broken sections after a storm​​​​Preventing repetitive losses: HSEM program breaks the cycle

July 31

If you've visited Duluth this summer, chances are you stopped by the Canal Park area, where the Lakewalk provides a stunning view of Lake Superior. Just a few short years ago, the park and the Lakewalk​ were covered in debris, torn apart by a series of storms...​

​​DPS Commissioner Bob Jacobson speaking at a news conference.​​​​​With cannabis legalization coming, remember: Driving high is a DWI​

July 27

Most of us know you can't have an open bottle of booze out while you're driving. But do you know the rules for cannabis? With the legalization of cannabis products coming Aug. 1, Minnesotans have questions about what the change will mean for them...

Screen shot of the MyDVS portal login screen.​​​​Online portal lets you manage DVS services on your schedule

July 24

As helpful and kind as the staff in our Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) division are, it's an unfortunate truth that most people don't enjoy going to their offices. It's an errand that inevitably requires waiting in line and filling out paperwork, which are typically nobody's favorite things. That's why DVS has launched an online portal service...​

​​Responsible Beverage Server Liaison Cleven Duncan sitting at his desk.AGE: Training th​e people on the front lines of alcohol enforcement

July 20

When it comes to serving alcohol at a bar or restaurant, refusing to bring someone a drink can cost you a large tip. But serving someone who is already intoxicated or underage can cost not just you, but your whole community. That's why it is important for those in the hospitality...

A DVS Now kiosk Skip the line, get your tabs at our DVS Now kiosks

July 17

With the implementation of Driver's License for All and new ways to get services in multiple languages, our Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) division staff will be busier than ever. That's why we're looking at ways to save you time. A new program will make getting your tabs as easy as hitting an ATM for some cash. Our DVS Now kiosks are being installed at select locations throughout the state. The kiosks allow you to skip the line and renew your registration with a touch of a few buttons at a deputy registrar office or even the grocery store. “At DVS, our focus is providing convenient, efficient service," DVS Director Pong Xiong​ said...

​​ A FirstNet portable communications box ​​​​ECN: FirstNet keeps first responders talking across Minnesota

July 13

We've all been there: You're standing in a crowd of people, and you need to meet up with your group. You try to call them, but the call won't go through. There are too many people on the network. Now imagine that you're a paramedic and you're trying to get information about your patient to the doctors who will take care of them at the hospital. You run into the same problem. Without a program like our Emergency Communication Networks (ECN) division's partnership with.​...

A helmet sitting on the handlebars of a motorcycle Motorcycle salesmen save customer’s life by insisting he borrow a helmet

July 10

Wearing a helmet might seem like a small thing, but when you're riding a motorcycle, it can mean the difference between life or death. Nobody knows that better than a pair of Eden Prairie motorcycle salesman, who are being praised for saving a customer's life by insisting...

​​​A radar gun showing 93 mph and a stopped car​​​​​​OTS: Minnesota’s summer off to deadliest start in 10 years

July 6

We call the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day “the 100 deadliest days" to be on Minnesota's roads. So far this year, that name is turning out to be all too true. Preliminary figures show 46 people have lost their lives in crashes during the first 25 days of the current 100 days. ​That means this summer is off to one of the deadliest starts on our roads in more than 10 years. Sadly, those crashes are all about speed, lack of seat belt use, impairment and distraction. Speed continues to be one of the leading causes of fatal and serious injury crashes across Minnesota...​

A man works at the counter in a DVS licensing office.New law makes getting a driver’s license easier for new Minnesota residents

July 3

If you're just moving to Minnesota, let our Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) division be the first to say, “Welcome!" When you move to a new state, one of the first things you need to do is get a driver's license with your new address...​​

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