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Office of Justice Programs

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

VOCA Funding Information

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs (OJP) distributes approximately $54 million annually in state and federal funds to programs across Minnesota providing services to crime victims. Due to how federal ​Victims of Crime Act  (VOCA) is funded at the federal level all states including Minnesota are receiving VOCA reductions when crime victims need it most. Reductions in funding will severely limit each program’s ability to maintain current services and staffing levels, requiring them to lay off essential victim services staff.  OJP recognizes the vital work this funding allows and will continue to advocate for the needs of victims and survivors.

​​​​Update on ​Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding

​​VOCA-Funded Programs and Services

Grouped by Judicial District

Judicial District 1

Judicial District 2

Judicial District 3

Judicial District 4​​​

Judicial District 5

Judicial District 6

Judicial District 7

Judicial District 8

Judicial District 9

Judicial District 10​​