Proper evidence handling is necessary to ensure the preservation of the evidence, the integrity of analytical results, and the admissibility of the evidence in a court of law.
NOTICE: By using the laboratory services provided by the MN BCA Forensic Science Services (FSS), user agencies agree to receive simplified reports. Please select the link below for details.
MN BCA FSS Simplified Reports
Minn. Stat. § 13.82 governs the release of law enforcement data and establishes the occurrence of events when active criminal investigative data become inactive public data subject to release. When the BCA FSS is required by law to release active confidential or protected nonpublic criminal investigative data, the submitting agency(ies) and/or the appropriate prosecuting attorney are notified. In the interest of public safety, the MN BCA FSS confidentially shares relevant scientific findings (e.g. DNA database hits, recovered evidence items, and other pattern analyses) across multiple law enforcement agencies operating within and outside the State of Minnesota.
Evidence Submission Forms
Discipline Specific Documents
NOTE: Driving related cases submitting more than blood or urine kit evidence must complete a 001-EV. A kit sheet is sufficient for driving related incidents which only involve blood or urine kit submissions.
Trace Evidence
Biology - Nuclear DNA
Biology - CODIS
Biology - Minnesota Missing Person's DNA Project
Chemical Testing