Homeland Security and Emergency Management

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety


​​​HSEM Certified Instructor Program​​​​​

The Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s (HSEM) Training Program is a primary source of emergency management and homeland security training for local and state emergency management professionals, first responders, and other emergency management professionals. HSEM strives to maintain a cadre of qualified instructors to teach the emergency management and homeland security courses offered by HSEM. The HSEM Cer​tified Instructor Program Guide​ outlines the requirements and expectations of instructors who teach classes found in this document.

​​​How to become an HSEM Certified Instructor

Individuals who would like to apply to be added to the HSEM Instructor List must review the HSEM Certified Instructor Program Guide and submit a MN HS​EM Instructor Application​​​​ and all other applicalbe documents to hsem.training@state.mn.us​. 


Not accepting applications at this time.


