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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety


Elite Demo/Training Site Access

This site is provided for demonstration/training purposes ONLY.

Actual fire reports should not be entered.

Minnesota Fire Incident Reporting System  
Username: Smokey Password: Fire55


For fire departments in Minnesota utilizing ImageTrend Elite For Fire as their records management system, ImageTrend Help/University is a great resource to learn more about how to use Elite For Fire. After logging into Elite For Fire, select Community then Help/University. A good starting point is to select Learn on the left hand pane followed by Webinars and Videos. Towards the right side of the page, there is a section titled View By Users. Those who are using the system by entering reports and interacting with the system, can start with the Fire Users section. Fire department adminstrators can start with the Fire Administrators section.

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