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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

February 2020

What do you with those specialty calls that involve things like technical rescues or wide-area searches? You call a State Emergency Response Team. Jim Smith and Tom McDonough tell you all about them, focusing on Hazardous Materials Response Teams, in this article.

A fire emergency is a prevention failure

With our emphasis on response, the U.S. trails most other developed nations in fire prevention. In this article, Bob Reif wonders what it would be like if we shifted our focus to stopping fires before they start.

Using social media to help reduce fire deaths

We’re determined to reduce smoking-related fire deaths, but we can’t do it alone. Jen Longaecker’s article will tell you how to use social media to help change smoker behavior and save lives.

Panic hardware and the Iroquois Theater

Many parts of the fire and building codes exist because of a previous loss of life. The Von Duprin device is no exception. Tom Jenson tells the story in this article.

February training update

We’re only a month into 2020, and there is already a lot of training available. Check out Jake Lindquist’s article to find out about classes and how to sign up for them.

An alarming refresher

There are so many smoke and CO alarms on the market now. Kathi Osmonson gives a refresher in this article to make sure you know what to tell your family, friends and that stranger who asks at the supermarket.