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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

November 2020

Keeping fire fatalities from increasing more

As of Nov. 1, we’re only two fire deaths shy of last year’s statewide total. Given that winter months often bring more fires and fire deaths, it’s imperative to get safety messaging out to our communities. Amanda Swenson elaborates in this article.

Reminders about the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline

Now that the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline is under construction, there are some things fire departments in the northern part of the state will need to keep in mind. Jim Iammatteo explains in this article.

MBFTE presents the Minnesota Virtual Training Series

Steve Flaherty announces the first installment of MBFTE’s 12-part Minnesota Virtual Training Series. Learn about it, and how to sign up for it, in this article.

Don't be a turkey this Thanksgiving

The holidays are coming, bringing with them their own set of fire hazards. This article gives you resources and talking points to use with your community to keep the holidays safe.

November training update

The onset of cold weather means fire departments have to walk the line between training indoors and staying safe from COVID-19. Jake Lindquist explains​ how the SFMD can help meet your training needs safely.

All content ©2020 Minnesota Department of Public Safety. For permission to reprint,
jennifer.longaecker@state.mn.us or allison.wedell@state.mn.us.