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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

October 2021

​​​Minnesota firefighters: There for each other and our​selves

Mental health isn't just a good thing that other people should do. It's good for you, too. In her article, Amanda Swenson suggests that while we're supporting each other's mental health, we need to check in on our own, too.

I get by with a little help from my friends…

Sometimes terrible things happen and we need a little help from our friends. In this case, the friends are the Red Cross. Bob Reif explains how they can help in the wake of a fire and how to contact them in his article.​

Statistics from the MBFTE

Statistics can be boring sometimes – but when Steve Flaherty breaks down the statistics of the MBFTE money your fire department receives for training, you're sure to perk up. Learn more in his article.

Type-V Construction in Long-Term Care Facilities

Many health care occupancies are made of steel and masonry, but nursing homes and assisted living facilities are still being built from wood frames. Bill Abderhalden has advice in his article on what local fire officials should look out for to keep these occupancies and their residents safe.​

October training u​pdate​

This fall is chock full of conferences and training opportunities, both in-person and virtual. Jake Lindquist will tell you all about it – along with some news of his own – in his article.​​​

All content ©2021 Minnesota Department of Public Safety. For permission to reprint,
jennifer.longaecker@state.mn.us or allison.wedell@state.mn.us.  ​
