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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

February 2023

Take advantage of our drone program

Lead Drone Pilot and Fire Service Specialist Tate Mills talks in this article about our drone program and how fire departments can use it (for free) to help at large-scale incidents. 

What makes a g ood firefighter?

As the fire service looks at new ways to address recruitment and retention, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal Amanda Swenson poses an important question: What makes a good firefighter? Learn more in her article

MBFTE reimbursement myths debunked

The more people hear from others what the MBFTE provides for reimbursements, the more likely it is that myths will take hold. MBFTE Executive Director Steve Flaherty lays out the facts in this article.

February training update

Dan Buchholz, our code development and training specialist, shares some great training opportunities on the horizon in his article.​