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State Fire Marshal

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

February 2021

The story that still haunts me

Jim Smith recounts a tragic story from his early da​ys as a firefighter that still haunts him to this day. It carries some important lessons that can help keep such tragedies from happening again.

Virtual day at the Capitol a plus

Steve Flaherty attended Firefighter Day at the Capitol again this year to talk to his legislators about the issues faced by the fire service. Except this time, he didn't even leave his house. His article will tell you why he felt the new format was a bonus.

Careless smoking: A tragedy waiting to happen

When Jen Longaecker was a kid, her biggest problem with her parents' indoor smoking was that it made her clothes stink. Now she knows it could've killed them. Her article will tell you how to talk to your community about the issue.

What's your story?

In recounting the story of Dr. Burton Clark of the National Fire Academy, John Ehret reflects on his own story and explains why you should do the same.

The nose knows. Or does it?

How do you respond to someone who thinks they don't need a smoke alarm because they can rely on their nose to save them? Bob Reif replaces myth with fact in this article.

Remembering the week of Feb. 17, 2003

There were three nightclub fires in the U.S. 18 years ago this week. Two resulted in tragic losses of life; the one here in Minnesota did not. Why? Tom Jenson explains in his article.

February training update

Where training is concerned, there's a lot to look forward to. Check out Jake Lindquist's article, which will tell you about the various trainings coming up and how to register for them.​​​​

All content ©2021 Minnesota Department of Public Safety. For permission to reprint,
jennifer.longaecker@state.mn.us or allison.wedell@state.mn.us.